Robust & Intense Cigar Flavor
For cigar enthusiasts seeking a healthier lifestyle, discovering a truly satisfying alternative that replicates the beloved cigar experience can be daunting. Black Note’s Kentucky E-Liquid seamlessly merges the rich heritage of cigar smoking with modern vaping, creating a distinctive experience that appeals to both seasoned aficionados and newcomers alike.
Flavor TASTE
Robust & Intense
Curing Method
Extraction Method
100% Natural Extraction via Traditional Cold Maceration
Coil Friendly
Efficient usage allows up to 8mL on a single coil
Robust & Intense
Black Note’s Natural Kentucky Tobacco Eliquid: A Fire-Cured Delight for Cigar Aficionados
The Kentucky is my favorite for it taste. It taste closest to cigarettes i use to smoke. However feel much better vaping than when i was smoking cigarettes.
Tailoring to Every Smoker & Vaper's Preference
At Black Note, we recognize the diverse needs of both transitioning smokers and shifting existing vapers. Our Kentucky Tobacco E-Liquid offers a range of nicotine strengths, types, and VG/PG formulations tailored to support smokers moving to vaping and vapors seeking natural e-liquid alternatives.
Italian Kentucky, a variant of the American tobacco cultivar, is meticulously grown in Tuscany. This region’s climate and soil conditions contribute to the distinct taste of our Kentucky natural tobacco vaping liquid.
Disclaimer: This information is intended for general guidance and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional before starting or changing your vaping habits.
I’m loyal to my Burley, & now I’m equally satisfied with Kentucky. So hard to choose that I carry 2 devices everywhere I go, & keep 2 more devices as backup when charging the batteries. Yeah it’s nuts but I’m always good to go & prepared at the same time.
Selecting the Ideal Formulation
The fire-curing technique, a traditional method, further intensifies its earthy and nutty notes, offering a unique vaping experience that stands out in the world of natural tobacco e-liquids. Whether you’re a fan of Mouth-To-Lung (MTL) vaping or prefer the Direct-To-Lung (DTL) approach, our range has the perfect match for your needs.
50/50 Freebase Nicotine
70/30 High VG Freebase Nicotine
Salt Nicotine
I always add Kentucky Tobacco to every order. Bold, rich taste and my favorite Black Note flavor (even though they are all very good).
Your Vaping Experience
Device Pairings for the Best Vaping Experience
Devices for 50/50 and Salt Nicotine
MTL Vaping
50VG/50PG Freebase & Salt Nicotine
Devices for 70/30
DTL Vaping
70VG/30PG High VG Freebase Nicotine
Our 9-Step Creation Process
Contrary to most e-liquids that are concocted in a lab by mixing artificial ingredients, at Black Note, we take a slow and natural approach to crafting our e-liquids through a meticulous 9-step process. We embrace the Italian Slow Food Movement’s philosophy of creating something truly exceptional with patience and respect for natural ingredients.
Our Distinct Advantages
Authentic Tobacco Taste
Naturally extracted from organic tobacco leaves for a nuanced, genuinely satisfying experience.
Savor Small-Batch Quality
Each batch is a product of a meticulous, hands-on 9-step natural process.
Purity in Every Puff
No artificial flavors, sweeteners, or synthetic nicotine. Just pure, clean vaping.
No Smell, Just taste
Natural tobacco extract produces no aroma, just natural tobacco taste.
Diacetyl-Free Commitment
Our vaping liquids are free from diacetyl, a chemical linked to respiratory problems.
Designed for Adults
Tailored tobacco and menthol e-liquids without characterizing flavors, specifically for adult smokers and vapers.
Navigate Your Perfect Transition
Whether you’re a current smoker looking to transition into the world of vaping or an existing vaper seeking a more natural and authentic experience, our quizzes are tailored just for you. Simply choose your path below to get started.
10 Tobacco Blends to Choose From.
Dive into our 10 meticulously crafted tobacco blends. Each is available in 50VG/50PG, 70VG/30PG, and Nicotine Salt formulations for a personalized vaping experience.