WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.


Natural Tobacco Vaping Liquid Sample Pack

We Craft Our Natural Tobacco Vaping Liquids With The Mentality of a Fine Winemaker

This is Black Note’s motto: patience, passion, and high-quality ingredients. We craft Black Note Natural tobacco vaping liquid with the same mentality taken to produce high-quality fine wine or brew premium beer.

Our team utilizes technology and science to give you the world’s best tobacco vaping experience. Unlike synthetic or chemically treated vaping liquids, Black Note contains natural flavor extracts from real tobacco leaves.

We launched Black Note many years ago for one reason – to give you a superior alternative to cigarettes. When you vape Black Note e-Liquids, you’ll taste the difference.

If you want to enhance your vaping experience with Black Note, then take two minutes to read our story. Knowing what inspired our journey will help you enjoy your vaping experience with our blends.

With our sample pack you get to experience our eight different blends in one order. After trying each blend, you can confidently pick the blend you’re looking forward to vaping again.

What you’ll discover after reading this article:

Why We’re Offering a Natural Tobacco Vaping Liquid Sample Pack

When it comes to finding a vaping liquid, it’s very overwhelming because there are so many options. To make it easier to find your ideal e-liquid, we put together a natural tobacco vaping liquid sample pack.

Finding Your Ideal Vaping Liquid Just Got Easier

With our sample pack you get to experience our eight different blends in one order. After trying each blend, you can confidently pick the blend you’re looking forward to vaping again.

Who Should Order A Sample Pack

The sample pack is meant for newer customers who have never tried Black Note or have only tried one of our blends, but haven’t found their ideal blend. It’s a cost-effective way to experience our 8 tobacco flavors. The best part is you can choose a sample pack that comes in 50/50 and 70/30 VG/PG ratios.

Are You New to Black Note?

If you’re new to Black Note, we highly recommend starting your journey with us by ordering our #1 blend – American Blend. Click here to learn more about our American blend

American Blend is the most popular blend we offer here in the US and in Europe. Starting with this blend will help you appreciate the quality and unique flavors of our other unique blends.

Below you’ll find a brief description of what makes each blend in our sample pack unique and worth trying.

The Virginia (Prelude) is Mellow & Mildly Sweet

Virginia tobacco is the most popular tobacco in the world. And this blend is our #1 blend! It’s a naturally sweet tobacco that’s flue-cured. And the flavor is both mellow and mildly sweet.

  • Taste: Mellow and Mildly Sweet
  • Weight: 10 ml bottle
  • VG/PG Ratio: 50/50 or 70/30

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The Kentucky (Legato) is Robust & Intense

Kentucky is an American tobacco plant grown in Tuscany, Italy. Our Kentucky blend has an earthy and nutty taste. Its flavor is enhanced by fire-curing the tobacco plant to release its natural resins.

  • Taste: Robust and Intense
  • Weight: 10 ml bottle
  • VG/PG Ratio: 50/50 or 70/30

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The Burley (Forte) is Earthy, Nutty & Slightly Dry

Cultivated on the foothills of the Italian volcano Vesuvius, Burley tobacco is sun-ripened, shade-cured, and bursting with a savory flavor. This tobacco provides a earthy, nutty and slightly dry tobacco vaping experience.

  • Taste: Earthy, Nutty & Slightly Dry
  • Weight: 10 ml bottle
  • VG/PG Ratio: 50/50 or 70/30

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The Menthol (Solo) is Fresh, Balanced & Crisp

Our Menthol blend is naturally extracted from sun-cured Oriental tobacco leaves, and overlaid with a cool menthol extract derived from genuine peppermint leaves.

  • Taste: Fresh, Balanced and Crisp
  • Weight: 10 ml bottle
  • VG/PG Ratio: 50/50 or 70/30

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The Cavendish (Sonata) is Aromatic & Naturally Sweet

Cavendish is a type of tobacco resulting from a specific process that uses Virginia tobacco. Dark, ripe Virginia tobacco leaves are steam-treated, and oak-barrel cured, producing a tobacco with brilliant intensity and rich taste.

  • Taste: Aromatic and Naturally Sweet
  • Weight: 10 ml bottle
  • VG/PG Ratio: 50/50 or 70/30

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The Latakia (Quartet) is Smokey & Peppery

Latakia is a smokey, peppery tobacco that gives the senses a powerfully distinct delight. The blend uses the Syrian Latakia process of sun-curing tobacco, then smoke-curing it over controlled fires of fragrant wood and indigenous aromatic herbs.

  • Taste: Smokey and Peppery
  • Weight: 10 ml bottle
  • VG/PG Ratio: 50/50 or 70/30

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The American Blend Has A Classic Cigarette Taste

American Blend is made from Virginia, Burley, and Oriental tobacco. This blend’s authentic taste is similar to the classic cigarette. The taste is exquisitely balanced and the tobaccos are flue, air and sun-cured.

  • Taste: Classic Cigarette Taste
  • Weight: 10 ml bottle
  • VG/PG Ratio: 50/50 or 70/30

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The Cigar (Concerto) is Pleasant & Aromatic

Cigar tobacco grows best in moist, tropical climates. High-quality cigar tobacco delivers flavor notes that range from slightly sweet to mildly spicy. In addition, every flavor shares a rich and subtle smoky undertone.

  • Taste: Pleasant and Aromatic
  • Weight: 10 ml bottle
  • VG/PG Ratio: 50/50 or 70/30

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Black Note’s Tobacco Vaping Liquid Extraction Process


Black Note Extraction Process


All our vaping liquids are naturally extracted from tobacco leaves. During our cold maceration extraction process, the hidden flavors of real tobacco are unlocked, revealing the unique character and flavors of each blend. Ultimately, leaving you to experience premium natural tobacco vaping liquid. 

Our blends are not artificially made in a lab. With us, you get a natural tobacco taste produced by sunlight and care, not synthetic flavors from chemicals. 

All of our natural tobacco vaping liquids are

  • Naturally extracted from real tobacco leaves, using only the best leaves and the best part of the leaves.
  • 100% FREE from artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners
  • No diacetyl, acetyl propionyl, ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, acrolein, and acetoin
  • Handcrafted in small batches

The Story Behind Our Journey


Real farmer carrying a basket full of ruffled tobacco leaves.


Our journey to create the most authentic-tasting tobacco e-liquid started when we realized tobacco e-liquids on the market didn’t taste like real tobacco. As a result, we were inspired to do things better by crafting real tobacco vaping liquid without sweeteners and flavors.

Naturally extracting tobacco flavor in small batches was the only way to preserve the signature flavor of our tobacco blends.

Thanks to our cold maceration extraction process, the hidden flavors of real tobacco are unlocked. Our commitment to this approach uncovers the subtle notes of each Black Note tobacco blend, giving them a unique character and preserving their natural flavor.

When you try one of our real tobacco vaping liquid blends, you’ll immediately taste the difference between Black Note and everyone else. We hope you enjoy the fruits of our labor.

The Second Best Alternative to Help You Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Our mission at Black Note is to be the second-best alternative to quitting smoking cigarettes. Not smoking anything is the number one alternative.

Although we are the best tobacco vaping liquid company on earth (according to many of our customers), we don’t want non-smokers to start vaping, we won’t encourage vapers to vape more, and we DON’T want you to vape forever.

We encourage people to QUIT cold turkey if that works better, without putting Black Note into the mix and relying on vaping to quit smoking cigarettes.

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