Cigar Blend by Black Note: A Rich Tapestry of Flavors
The Essence of Quality: Black Note’s Cigar Blend
Black Note’s Cigar Blend Eliquid, a symphony of high-quality cigar and Kentucky tobaccos, is a testament to the art of fine tobacco cultivation and processing. Thriving in the ideal moist and tropical climates, our tobacco leaves are dark air-cured, a process that imparts a complex blend of flavors. From the slightly sweet to the mildly spicy, each note is harmonized with rich, subtle smoky undertones, creating a pleasant and aromatic flavor profile that is both unique and memorable.
Cultivation and Climate: The Secret to Exceptional Quality
The secret to the exceptional quality of our Cigar Blend lies in its cultivation. Cigar tobacco, known for its robust character, grows best in moist, tropical climates. These ideal conditions allow the tobacco to develop its full potential, resulting in leaves that are rich in flavor and aroma. The dark air-curing process further enhances these characteristics, ensuring that every puff delivers a symphony of taste.
A Blend of Cigar and Kentucky Tobacco: A Unique Experience
Our Cigar Blend is not just about the cigar tobacco; it’s also about the unique addition of Kentucky tobacco. This American cultivar, grown in Tuscany, is fire-cured, releasing the plant’s natural resins and adding an undeniably robust and intense experience to the mix. The combination of these two distinct tobaccos creates a blend that is both rich in tradition and bold in flavor.
Experience the True Spirit of Premium Tobacco
Each puff of Black Note’s Cigar Blend delivers a pleasant, aromatic experience, capturing the true spirit of premium cigar tobacco, now enriched with the boldness of Kentucky. It’s an ideal choice for those who appreciate the depth and complexity of traditional cigar flavors, combined with the distinctive earthiness of Kentucky tobacco.
A Journey Through History:
Columbus and the Discovery of Cigar Tobacco
The history of cigar tobacco is as rich as its flavor. When Christopher Columbus reached Cuba in 1492, he encountered the indigenous practice of “drinking smoke” from a plant called Cohiba, the precursor to the modern-day cigar. This tradition has been preserved in some regions of Cuba, where Cohiba is still grown using time-honored farming methods.
The Cuban Tobacco Legacy
Cuban tobacco, integral to our Cigar Blend, is a broad mixture of different cultivars. This diversity stems from a unique harvesting method where seeds are collected using a blanket approach and mixed from various regions by the producers of the seedlings. This rich blend of cultivars contributes to the distinctive character and complexity of our Cigar Blend, making it a true reflection of its storied past.
We Offer a Range of Strengths to Match Every Preference:
Ultra Lights (Silver label)
Gentle, classic cigarette taste, ideal for those who prefer a lighter, smoother vaping experience. Reminiscent of American Spirits Orange, Marlboro Silver, or Salem Silver. Available in 3mg or 6mg Freebase Nicotine for a gentle, yet satisfying classic cigarette taste.
Lights (Gold or White label)
Balanced throat hit and flavor, perfect for those seeking a medium-intensity vaping experience. Echoes the essence of American Spirits Yellow, Marlboro Silver, or Salem Gold. Choose our 12mg Freebase Nicotine for a balanced and satisfying classic cigarette taste.
Full Flavors (Red or Black label)
Robust taste with a powerful punch, suited for vapers who desire a strong, full-flavored experience. Reminiscent of American Spirits NAS Black or Dark Blue, or Marlboro Red. Our 18mg Freebase Nicotine mirrors the intensity of these red and black-label cigarettes, offering a robust and full-bodied vaping experience.
70/30 High VG Freebase Nicotine:
- Well-suited for Sub-Ohm devices with Direct-To-Lung (DTL) vaping.
- Coils with a resistance of equal to or less than 1.0Ω.
- Optimal experience at medium to high wattage.
- While 70VG/30PG e-liquids are ideal for sub-ohm vaping, they can also be used effectively with coils above 1.0Ω in devices designed to handle higher VG content.
Premium Ingredients for a Superior Vaping Journey
Our Tobacco E-Liquid is crafted with a focus on purity and quality. The natural tobacco extract we use delivers an authentic cigarette flavor, reminiscent of traditional smoking. Our freebase nicotine, extracted from tobacco leaves, not only meets but exceeds EP/USP standards, ensuring a superior and clean vaping experience. This commitment reflects our dedication to providing a healthier, more natural alternative for vapers.
- Organic Tobacco Extract: Extracted flavors from organic tobacco leaves offer a rich and nuanced taste.
- High-Quality Freebase Nicotine: Our nicotine, derived from tobacco leaves, is exceptionally pure and surpasses EP/USP quality standards.
- Vegetable Glycerin (VG): We use USP Kosher Certified and FU certified VG, guaranteeing top purity.
- Propylene Glycol (PG): Our PG is of the highest grade, USP Kosher Certified, with a minimum purity of 99.7%.
- Purified Water: We incorporate the purest water in our e-liquids for a pristine vaping experience.
The Artisanal Journey of Black Note’s Natural Tobacco E-Liquids
At Black Note, we infuse the essence of traditional winemaking and premium brewing into the crafting of our natural tobacco e-liquids. Our philosophy mirrors that of a master vintner or a renowned brewer, focusing on patience, passion, and the use of only the finest ingredients. This philosophy is the cornerstone of our process in developing Black Note’s authentic natural cigar taste of our tobacco e-liquids.
Drawing inspiration from the Italian Slow Food Movement, Black Note emphasizes the importance of time-honored methods and natural ingredients in producing our e-liquids. We utilize genuine, organic tobacco leaves, steering clear of synthetic additives and chemically altered substances. This method guarantees a vaping experience that’s as authentic as it is enjoyable. To discover the details of our elaborate 9-step production process, please click here.
Embracing Healthier Vaping Standards
At Black Note, health and purity are paramount. Our Cigar tobacco E-Liquid is crafted without artificial flavors, sweeteners, or synthetic nicotine. We use Naturally Extracted Tobacco (N.E.T) to maintain the purity of the flavor and ensure a safe inhalation experience. Adhering to the highest safety standards, our products are free from harmful compounds like Diacetyl and Acrolein. This e-liquid offers a refined taste, providing a genuine tobacco flavor without the harmful effects of traditional smoking.
Learn More About The Cigar Tobacco
Cigar Tobacco Vaping Liquid – By Black Note
Zero Percent Nicotine Products Disclaimer/Warning: While crafted with care, our zero percent nicotine e-liquids may contain trace amounts of nicotine. If advised to avoid nicotine, please consult your healthcare provider.
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